The upper register contains a tree with the arms of a woman holding a tray with offerings in its/her left hand, and with the right hand pouring water over it from a vase. The tomb owner is kneeling and taking some of the offerings on the tray and receiving the dispensed water for drinking. His soul, which is depicted as a bird with human head and arms, also catches some of the water. The lower register depicts the deceased enjoying a copious offering table. The inscription identifies him as "the two eyes of the king ..., the king's confidant in Memphis, Speaker of the king, Nomarch of Memphis, Sakeh". He is dressed in the finest of pleated garments and he is wearing an ornate curly wig and a splendid necklace. The origin and date of the relief are clear from its artistic style.
... the two eyes of the King of Lower Egypt (in) the entire (land), the king's confidant in Memphis, the Speaker of the king, the Nomarch of Memphis, Sakeh true of voice. Possessor of favour because of what his mouth speaks, (possessor of love) because of his character, ...
Reinisch, L., Die aegyptischen Denkmaeler in Miramar (1865) 256, Nr. 21, Taf. 39 D.
Bergmann, E. von / Dedekind, A., Die Sammlung der Aegyptischen Alterthümer, in: Uebersicht der kunsthistorischen Sammlungen des Allerhöchsten Kaiserhauses (1894) 36, Nr. 8.
Satzinger, H., Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie 14. Mainz. 1994.
Katalog "Wasser und Wein", Krems (1995), Nr.1/29.
Gessler-Löhr, B., Bemerkungen zur Nekropole des Neuen Reiches von Saqqara vor der Amarna-Zeit. II. Gräber der Bürgermeister von Memphis, Oudheidkundige Mededelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, 77 (1997), 57-58, Taf. 10).