Basic Info
Textual Data
Present location
International Inventory number
Inventory number
Upper part of a tall, rectangular stela with rounded top. The lower right corner of the preserved part was broken off and has been reattached. The lower part of the stela is missing. Except for the lunette, the decorated section of the stela is surrounded by a simple carved line. Representations and texts are carved, the representations have no inner detail, the surface inside the figures has been carved away. The hieroglyphs are neatly cut.
Bovenste deel van een rechthoekige stèle met ronde top. Van het bewaarde deel is de rechter onderhoek afgebroken en opnieuw bij de rest gevoegd. Het onderste deel van de stèle ontbreekt. Behalve de lunet is de stèle omrand door een eenvoudige gegraveerde lijn. De afbeeldingen en teksten zijn gegraveerd zonder binnendetail. De hiërogliefen zijn mooi gesneden.
Partie supérieure d'une stèle rectangulaire oblongue au sommet cintré. Du fragment conservé, le coin inférieur droit a été cassé et recollé. Le bas de la stèle est perdu. A l'exception du cintre, la section scénique est bordée d'une simple ligne incisée. Les scènes et les textes ont été gravés. Il n'y a aucun détail interne. Les hiéroglyphes ont été réalisés avec soin.
Oberer Teil einer rechteckigen Stele im Hochformat, oben abgerundet. Die rechte untere Ecke des Erhaltenen ist abgebrochen und wieder angefügt. Der unterste Teil der Stele fehlt. Die Bildfläche ist mit Ausnahme der Rundung von einer einfachen eingetieften Randlinie umgeben. Darstellungen und Texte eingetieft, die Darstellungen ohne Innenzeichnung; die Fläche innerhalb der Figuren herausgenommen. Die Schriftzeichen sind sauber geschnitten.
Parte superiore di una stele rettangolare oblunga con sommità arrotondata. Della parte preservatasi, l'angolo inferiore a destra si è rotto ed è stato riattaccato. La parte inferiore della stele manca. Esclusa la lunetta, la sezione figurata è contornata da una semplice linea incisa. Le scene ed i testi sono incisi, le scene non hanno dettagli interni. I geroglifici sono intagliati con precisione.
Parte superior de uma estela rectangular oblonga, com topo arredondado. A peça preservada no canto inferior direito partiu-se mas foi unido novamente. A parte inferior da estela já não existe. A excepção da luneta, a secção cénica da estela está enquadrada por uma linha simples incisa. As cenas e o texto estão gravados, as cenas nãotêm pormenores no interior. Os hieróglifos estão bem trabalhados.
Parte superior de una estela rectangular oblonga con la parte superior redondeada. En la pieza conservada, la esquina inferior derecha se rompió y se pegó de nuevo al conjunto. La parta inferior de la estela ha desaparecido. Excepto por el luneto, la sección escénica de la estela está rodeada por una simple línea incisa. Las escenas y el texto están grabados; las escenas carecen de detalles interiores. Los jeroglíficos están cortados con nitidez.
Upper part of a tall, rectangular stela with rounded top. The lower right corner of the preserved part was broken off and has been reattached. The lower part of the stela is missing. Except for the lunette, the decorated section of the stela is surrounded by a simple carved line. Representations and texts are carved, the representations have no inner detail, the surface inside the figures has been carved away. The hieroglyphs are neatly cut.
Archaeological Site
Dating (free text)
Dating Criterion
Category of text
Text Content
Writing Technique
Preservation of Text
(1) An offering, which the king gives to Osiris, Lord of Abydos, and Wepwawet, Lord of Ta-djeser, a funerary offering of bread and beer, oxen and fowl, linen and alabaster, all divine offerings, all dishes (2) for the Ka of ... (2a) ... servant Sa-Wadjet, born of Senet, true of voice. Right: (2b) ... mayor Senebtifi, born of Sat-imeny. (3) An offering, which the king gives to Anubis, Lord of Ta-djeser, a funerary offering of bread and beer, cool water, incense, all good offerings, every day for the Ka of ... Left: (4) ... servant Iby, true of voice, (5) born of Ipu, true of voice. (5) ... (for the Ka of) his father Khemensen, (7) born of Beby, true of voice, lord of reverence. (8) ... (for the Ka of) the lady of the house Beby, born of Ipu. (9) An offering, which [the king] gives to Ptah-Sokar, a funerary offering of bread and beer, oxen and [fowl], linen and alabaster, incense, ointment [ ... ].
(1) Een offer dat de koning geeft aan Osiris, heer van Abydos, en aan Wepwawet, heer van Ta-djeser, een aanroepingsoffer van brood en bier, vlees en gevogelte, linnen en albast, alle godsoffers, alle maaltijden (2) voor de Ka van... (2a)... dienaar Sa-Wadjet, gemaakt door Senet, waar van stem. (2b)... burgemeester Senebtifi, gemaakt door Sat-imeny. (3) Een offer dat de koning geeft aan Anoebis, heer van Ta-djeser, een aanroepingsoffer van brood en bier, koel water en wierook, alle goede offergaven, iedere dag, voor de Ka van (4)... dienaar Iby, waar van stem, (5) gemaakt door Ipoe, waar van stem; zijn vader Chemensen, (7) gemaakt door Beby, waar van stem; (8) de meesteresse van het huis, gemaakt door Ipoe. (9) Een offer dat [de koning] geeft aan Ptah-Sokar, een aanroepingsoffer van brood en bier, vlees en [gevogelte], linnen en albast, wierook en zalf, [...].
(1) Offrande que le roi donne à Osiris, maître d'Abydos, et à Oupouaout, maître de Ta-djeser, une offrande funéraire consistant en pain, bière, viande, volaille, lin, albâtre, tous présents divins, tous plats (2) pour le Ka de ... (2a) ... ... Sa-ouadjet que Senet a engendré, juste de voix. A droite: (2b) ... chef du village Senebtifi que Sat-imeny a engendré. (3) Offrande que le roi donne à Anubis, maître de Ta-djeser, une offrande funéraire consistant en pain, bière, eau fraîche, encens, toutes bonnes offrandes, chaque jour, pour le Ka de ... A gauche: (4) ... le serviteur Iby, juste de voix, (5) qu'Ipou a engendré, juste de voix. (6) ... (pour le Ka de) son père Khemensen, (7) que Beby a engendré, juste de voix, maître de vénération. (8) ... (pour le Ka de) la maîtresse de la maison Beby qu'Ipou a engendrée. (9) Offrande que [le roi] donne à Ptah-Sokar, une offrande funéraire consistant en pain, bière, viande, [volaille], lin, albâtre, encens, onguent [...].
(1) Das Opfer, das der König Osiris gibt, dem Herrn von Abydos, und Upuaut, dem Herrn von Ta-djeser, ein Totenopfer an Brot und Bier, Fleisch und Geflügel, Leinen und Alabaster, allen Gottesopfern, allen Speisen (2) für den Ka des ... (2a) ... Aufwärters Sa-Wadjit, den Senet gemacht hat, Wahr an Stimme. Rechts: (2b) ... Bürgermeisters Senebtifi, den Sat-imeni gemacht hat. (3) Das Opfer, das der König Anubis gibt, dem Herrn von Ta-djeser, ein Totenopfer an Brot und Bier, kühles Wasser, Weihrauch, allen guten Opfergaben jeden Tag für den Ka des ... Links: (4) ... Aufwärters Ibi, Wahr an Stimme, (5) den Ipu gemacht hat, Wahr an Stimme. (6) ... (für den Ka) seines Vaters Chemensen, (7) den Bebi gemacht hat, Wahr an Stimme, des Herrn von Würdigkeit. (8) ... (für den Ka der) Hausherrin Bebi, die Ipi gemacht hat. (9) Das Opfer, das [der König] Ptah-Sokar gibt, ein Totenopfer an Brot und Bier, Fleisch und [Geflügel], Leinen und Alabaster, Weihrauch, Salböl [- - -].
(1) L'offerta che il re dà ad Osiride, signore di Abydos, e a Upuaut, signore di Ta-djeser, un'offerta funeraria di pane e birra, carne e pollame, lino ed alabastro, e tutte le offerte divine, tutti le pietanze (2) per il Ka di... (2a) ... servo Sa-wadjet, che Senet ha generato, giusto di voce. Destra: (2b) ... sindaco Senebtifi, che Sat-imeny ha generato. (3) L'offerta che il re dà ad Anubi, signore di Ta-djeser, un'offerta funeraria di pane e birra, acqua fresca, incenso, tutte le offerte buone, ogni giorno per il Ka di... Sinistra: (4) ...il servo Iby, giusto di voce, (5) che Ipu ha generato, giusto di voce. (6) ...(per il Ka di) suo padre Khemensen, (7) che Beby ha generato, giusto di voce, signore di venerazione. (8) ... (per il Ka della) signora della casa Beby, che Ipu ha generato. (9) L'offerta, che [il re] dà a Ptah-Sokar, un'offerta funeraria di pane e birra, carne e [pollame], lino ed alabastro, incenso, unguento [...].
(1) A oferenda que o rei faz a Osíris, senhora de Abidos, e Uepuauet, senhor de Ta-djeser, uma oferenda funerária de pão e cerveja, carne e aves, linho e alabastro, tudo oferendas divinas, todos os pratos (2) para o Ka de ... (2a) ... servo Sa-uadjet, a quem Senet fez, justificada. Direita: (2b) ... senhor Senebtifi, a quem Sat-imeni fez. (3) A oferenda que o rei fez a Anúbis, senhor de Ta-djeser, uma oferenda funerária de pão e cerveja, água fresca, incenso, tudo boas oferendas, todos os dias para o Ka de ... Esquerda: (4) ... servo Ibi, justificado, (5)a quem Ipu fez, justificada. (5) ... (para o Ka de) o seu pai Khemensen, (7) a quem Bebi fez, justificado, senhor de reverência. (8) ... (para o Ka da) senhora da casa Bebi, a quem Ipu fez. (9) A oferenda que [o rei] faz a Ptah-Sokar, uma oferenda funerária de pão e cerveja, carne e [aves], linho e alabastro, incenso, unguento [ ... ].
(1) Ofrenda, que el rey concede a Osiris, señor de Abydos, y Upuaut, señor de Ta-dyeser, una ofrenda funeraria de pan y cerveza, carne y aves, lino y alabastro, todas las divinas ofrendas, todos los platos (2) para el Ka de ... (2a) ... sirviente Sa-uadyet, al cual Senet hizo, justo de voz. Derecha: (2b) ... alcalde Senebtifi, al cual Set-imeny hizo. (3) Ofrenda, que el rey concede a Anubis, señor de Ta-dyeser, una ofrenda funeraria de pan y cerveza, agua fresca, incienso, todas las ofrendas, todos los días para el Ka de ... Izquierda: (4) ... sirviente Iby, justo de voz, (5) al cual Ipu hizo, justo de voz. (5) ... (para el Ka de) su padre Jemensen, (7) nacido de Beby, justo de voz, señor de reverencia. (8) ... (para el Ka de) la señora de la casa Beby, nacida de Ipu. (9) Ofrenda, la cual [el rey] concede a Ptah-Sokaris, una ofrenda funeraria de pan y cerveza, carne y [aves], lino y alabastro, incienso, ungüento [...].
(1) An offering, which the king gives to Osiris, Lord of Abydos, and Wepwawet, Lord of Ta-djeser, a funerary offering of bread and beer, oxen and fowl, linen and alabaster, all divine offerings, all dishes (2) for the Ka of ... (2a) ... servant Sa-Wadjet, born of Senet, true of voice. Right: (2b) ... mayor Senebtifi, born of Sat-imeny. (3) An offering, which the king gives to Anubis, Lord of Ta-djeser, a funerary offering of bread and beer, cool water, incense, all good offerings, every day for the Ka of ... Left: (4) ... servant Iby, true of voice, (5) born of Ipu, true of voice. (5) ... (for the Ka of) his father Khemensen, (7) born of Beby, true of voice, lord of reverence. (8) ... (for the Ka of) the lady of the house Beby, born of Ipu. (9) An offering, which [the king] gives to Ptah-Sokar, a funerary offering of bread and beer, oxen and [fowl], linen and alabaster, incense, ointment [ ... ].
Year of Acquisition
Object''s History
Erwerbungsumstände unbekannt, vor 1824.
Associated Objects
Photographic references
Editor of record
First Registration Date
Last Update
Hein, I. & H. Satzinger, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches einschließlich der I. und II. Zwischenzeit, Teil I. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (CAA) 4 (1989) 177-179. Leprohon, J.R., Rez. in: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (JARCE) XXVIII (1991) 232.
General Comment
Erhaltungszustand: Keine Farbspuren.