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Numero di inventario internazionale
Numero di inventario
L'uomo porta una parrucca tripartita lunga fino alle spalle e un gonnellino. Egli e seduto alla turca e ha la mano sinistra aperta sul petto. Rispetto alle statue tipiche dell'Antico Regno, questo esemplare manca di sicurezza; Sobek-em-inu esprime commozione nel modo in cui volge lo sguardo leggermente in alto. L'espressione della bocca larga conferma tale impressione. La silhouette del corpo segue le forme robuste dell'ideale atletico, ma il portamento è leggermente accasciato a causa delle spalle scadute. Si direbbe che questo suddito di un potente regno centralizzato è consapevole dei suoi vincoli sociali.
De man draagt een strengenpruik die tot op zijn schouders valt en een kort schort. Hij zit in kleermakerszit en houdt de linkerhand vlak op de borst. In vergelijking met hetzelfde type beelden uit het Oude Rijk, mist dit beeld de blakende zelfzekerheid. Sobek-em-inoe maakt , door zijn blik die lichtjes naar boven gericht is, de indruk aangedaan te zijn. De uitdrukking van de mond ondersteunt deze indruk. De gestalte van het lichaam neemt de krachtige vormen van het atletisch ideaal over, maar de houding, met de afhangende schouders, is ietwat ineengezakt. Het is alsof deze onderdaan van een machtig gecentraliseerd koninkrijk zich pijnlijk bewust is van zijn sociale beperkingen.
The man has a wig falling onto his shoulders and is wearing a short kilt. His legs are folded underneath him, and his left hand is placed on his chest. Unlike the typical statuary from the Old Kingdom, this man's self-image appears to be poor. Sobek-em-inu looks almost distressed, with his slightly upward glance. The expression of the broad mouth strengthens this impression. The strong musculature of the body is modelled according to the athletic ideal, but the posture is somewhat limp with its slightly drooping shoulders. It's almost as if the citizen depicted, who is part of a mighty centralized kingdom, is painfully aware of his social restrictions.
L'homme porte une perruque tressée qui lui tombe sur les épaules et un pagne court. Il est assis en tailleur et tient la main à plat sur la poitrine. En comparaison avec d'autres statues du même type de l'Ancien Empire, cette statue manque d'assurance. Par son regard légèrement porté vers le haut, Sobek-em-inou donne l'impression d'être ému. L'expression de la bouche confirme cette impression. La silhouette du corps prend des formes idéalement athlétiques mais le tout fait un effet assez flasque à cause des épaules tombantes. On dirait que ce serviteur d'un puissant royaume centralisé est péniblement conscient de ses restrictions sociales.
Der Mann mit schulterlanger Strähnenperücke und kurzem Schurz sitzt mit untergeschlagenen Beinen auf dem Boden, die Linke ist flach an die Brust gelegt. Im Vergleich mit den typischen Statuen des Alten Reiches vermißt man die strotzende Selbstverständlichkeit; Sobek-em-inu wirkt ergriffen, wie er seinen Blick leicht nach oben richtet. Der Ausdruck des breiten Mundes trägt zu diesem Eindruck bei. Die Gestaltung des Körpers folgt in den kräftigen Formen dem athletischen Ideal, aber die Haltung ist leicht zusammengesunken, die Schultern hängen ein wenig.
Este homem tem uma cabeleira que lhe cai sobre os ombros e usa um saiote curto. As suas pernas estão dobradas sob ele e a sua mão esquerda está colocada sobre o seu peito. Ao contrário da estatuária típica do Império Antigo, a auto-retrato deste homem parece ser pobre. Sobek-em-inu parece quase angustiado com a sobrancelha levemente levantada. A expressão da sua grande boca confirma esta impressão. A musculatura forte do corpo é modelada de acordo com o ideal atlético, mas a postura é algo vacilante com os seus ombros levemente curvado. É quase com se o cidadão representado, que é parte de um governo altamente centralizado, tivesse a clara noção da sua posição social.
El hombre se adorna con una peluca trenzada que le cae sobre los hombros y un faldellín corto. Está sentado con las piernas cruzadas y tiene la palma de la mano sobre el pecho. En comparación con otras estatuas del mismo tipo del Imperio Antiguo, ésta carece de seguridad. Sobek-em-inu nos parece emocionado debido a su mirada, que se dirige ligeramente hacia lo alto. La expresión de la boca confirma esta impresión. La silueta del cuerpo tiene formas idealmente atléticas; pero el conjunto está bastante comprimido debido a los hombros cargados. Se diría que este servidor de un poderoso reino centralizado está convencido de sus limitaciones sociales.
The man has a wig falling onto his shoulders and is wearing a short kilt. His legs are folded underneath him, and his left hand is placed on his chest. Unlike the typical statuary from the Old Kingdom, this man's self-image appears to be poor. Sobek-em-inu looks almost distressed, with his slightly upward glance. The expression of the broad mouth strengthens this impression. The strong musculature of the body is modelled according to the athletic ideal, but the posture is somewhat limp with its slightly drooping shoulders. It's almost as if the citizen depicted, who is part of a mighty centralized kingdom, is painfully aware of his social restrictions.
Stato di conservazione
Datazione (testo libero)
Criteri di datazione
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Contenuto del testo
Tecnica di scrittura
Conservazione del testo
i-imAx:Z1-ns:pr-s*(b:k)-m-i*(nw: N17) !ms:n#-G5#-t:zA#-m-HAt:t:N17 ! sw-t:Htp-di-O3-F1:H1-n:kA:n-ns:pr-s*(b:k)-m-i#34-// ! sn-n:f-mr:f < ra-xpr-kA >-anx-nb:imAx:Z1-i*(t:f)-mr:f-H*M42:n-Xrd-sn-n:f-mr:f-H-Hz-i-f-ns:pr-O10#124-zA#234- ! imAx:Z1#13-x:r-st-ir:ns:pr-s*(b:k)-m-i*(nw:t)-ms:n-G5-t:zA-m-HAt:t ! imAx:Z1-x:r- E16-tp*Dw:f-ns:pr-s*(b:k)-m-i*(nw:N17)-ms:n-G5-t:zA-m-HAt:t !
jmAxw mr-pr sbk-m-jnw ms.n zAt-Hr-m-HAt Htp rdjw nswt prt-xrw t Hnqt kAw Apdw n kA n mr-pr sbk-m-jnw sn.f mr.f xpr-kA-ra-anx nb jmAx jt.f mr.f Hwn sn.f mr.f Hzj.f mr-pr zA-HtHr jmAxw xr wsjr mr-pr sbk-m-jnw ms.n zAt-Hr-m-HAt jmAxw xr jnpw tpj-Dw.f mr-pr sbk-m-jnw ms.n zAt-Hr-m-HAt
Il rispettabile, l'intendente Sebek-em-inu, nato da Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>L'offerta che il re dà, un'offerta funeraria di pane e birra, carne e volatili, al Ka dell'intendente Sebek-em-inu.<BR>Suo fratello, che egli ama, Cheper-ka-re-ankh, possessore di dignità; suo padre Hun, che egli ama, suo fratello, che egli ama e loda, l'intendente Sa-hat(hor).<BR>Il rispettabile presso Osiride, l'intendente Sebek-em-inu, nato da Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>Il rispettabile presso Anubi, che è sulla sua montagna, l'intendente Sebek-em-inu, nato da Sat-hor-em-hat.
De waardige, de opzichter van de goederen Sobek-em-inoe, geboren uit Sat-Hor-em-hat.<BR>Een offer dat de koning geeft, een dodenoffer van brood, bier, vlees en gevogelte voor de Ka van de opzichter van de goederen Sobek-em-inoe.<BR>Zijn broer die hij liefheeft, Cheper-ka-re-anch, heer van waardigheid. <BR>Zijn vader Hoen, die hij liefheeft, zijn broer die hij liefheeft en prijst, de de opzichter van de goederen Sa-hat(hor).<BR>De waardige bij Osiris, de de opzichter van de goederen Sobek-em-inoe geboren uit Sat-Hor-em-hat.<BR>De waardige bij Anoebis die op zijn berg is, de de opzichter van de goederen Sobek-em-inoe geboren uit Sat-Hor-em-hat.
The revered one, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>An offering which the king gives, a mortuary offering of bread and beer, meat and poultry, to the Ka of the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu.<BR>His brother, whom he loves, Kheper-ka-re-ankh, lord of veneration; his father Hun, whom he loves, his brother, whom he loves and whom he praises, the overseer of commodities Sa-hat(hor).<BR>The revered one with Osiris, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>The revered one with Anubis who is upon his mountain, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.
Le respectable, l'intendant Sobek-em-inou, né de Sat-Hor-em-hat.<BR>Une offrande que donne le roi, une offrande funéraire de pain, bière, viande et volaille pour la Ka de l'intendant Sobek-em-inou. <BR>Son frère qu'il chérit, Kheper-ka-rê-ânkh, possesseur de dignité. <BR>Son père Houn qu'il aime, son frère qu'il aime et loue, l'intendant Sa-hat-(hor). <BR>Le vénéré auprès d'Osiris, l'intendant Sobek-em-inou, né de Sat-hor-em-hat. <BR>Le vénéré auprès d'Anubis qui réside sur sa montagne, l'intendant Sobek-em-inou, né de Sat-Hor-em-hat.
Der Würdige, der Gütervorsteher Sebek-em-inu, den Sat-Hor-em-hat geboren hat. Das Opfer, das der König gibt, ein Totenopfer an Brot und Bier, Fleisch und Geflügel, dem Ka des Gütervorsteher Sebek-em-inu. Sein Bruder, den er liebt, Cheper-Ka-Re-anch, Herr von Würdigkeit; sein Vater Hun, den er liebt, sein Bruder, den er liebt und den er lobt, der Gütervorsteher Sa-Hat(hor). Der Würdige bei Osiris, der Gütervorsteher Sebek-em-inu, den Sat-Hor-em-hat geboren hat. Der Würdige bei Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Gütervorsteher Sebek-em-inu, den Sat-Hor-em-hat geboren hat.
O venerado, o superintendente das provisões Sebekeminu, filho de Sithoremhat. <BR>Uma oferenda que o rei faz, uma oferenda funerária de pão, carne e aves, para o Ka do superintendente das provisões Sebekeminu. <BR>O seu irmão, que ele ama, Kheperkaréankh, senhor de veneração; o seu pai Huni, que ele ama, o seu irmão, que ele ama e a quem ele venera, o superintendente das provisões Sihat(hor). <BR>O venerado de Osíris; o superintendente das provisões Sebekeminu, filho de Sithoremhat. O venerado com Anúbis, que está sobre a sua montanha, superintendente das provisões Sebekeminu, filho de Sithoremhat.
El respetable, el intendente Sobek-em-inu, nacido de Sat-Hor-em-hat.<BR>Una ofrenda que da el rey, una ofrenda funeraria de pan, cerveza, carne y aves para el Ka del intendente Sobek-em-inu.<BR>Su hermano por él amado, Keper-ka-re-ank, poseedor de dignidad.<BR>Su padre Hun al que quiere, su hermano al que ama y alaba, el intendente Sa-hat-(hor).<BR>El venerado al lado de Osiris, el intendente Sobek-em-inu, nacido de Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>El venerado al lado de Anubis que reside en la montaña, el intendente Sobek-em-inu, nacido de Sat-Hor-em-hat.
The revered one, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>An offering which the king gives, a mortuary offering of bread and beer, meat and poultry, to the Ka of the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu.<BR>His brother, whom he loves, Kheper-ka-re-ankh, lord of veneration; his father Hun, whom he loves, his brother, whom he loves and whom he praises, the overseer of commodities Sa-hat(hor).<BR>The revered one with Osiris, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.<BR>The revered one with Anubis who is upon his mountain, the overseer of commodities Sobek-em-inu, born of Sat-hor-em-hat.
Anno di acquisizione
Storia dell'oggetto
Erwerbung unbekannt, vor 1836, vermutlich 1821 durch Dr. Ernst August Burghart in Ägypten gekauft.
Oggetti associati
Riferimenti fotografici
Autore della scheda
Data della prima registrazione informatizzata
Data dell'ultimo aggiornamento
Jaros-Deckert, B., Statuen des Mittleren Reichs und der 18. Dynastie. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (CAA) 1 (1987) 6-13. Hein, I. & H. Satzinger, Stelen des Mittleren Reiches einschließlich der I. und II. Zwischenzeit, Teil II. Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum (CAA) 7 (1993) 8, 34. Bergmann, E. von, Inschriftliche Denkmäler der Sammlung ägyptischer Alterthümer des österreichisches Kaiserhauses, in: Recueil de Travaux rélatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes (RecTrav) 12 (1890) 1-23. Katalog: "5000 Jahre Ägyptische Kunst", Zürich (1961), 64, Kat.Nr. 146. Seipel, W. (ed.), Götter Menschen Pharaonen, Speyer (1993) = Dioses, Hombres, Faraones, Ciudad de México (1993) = Das Vermächtnis der Pharaonen, Zürich (1994). Satzinger, H., Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie 14. Mainz. 1994.
Commento generale
Material: Granodiorit.