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Le stele funerarie in legno, erette nelle camere funerarie delle tombe, sono caratteristiche dell'Epoca Tarda. Il fatto che è il dio solare ad essere adorato e non Osiride è anche tipico di quest'epoca. Nella parte superiore arcuata si trova il disco alato al di sopra del geroglifico del cielo. La scena rappresenta la dama Mer-hathor-ites davanti al dio solare Ra accompagnato da Atum. Il resto della stele è occupato da una preghiera d'offerta a Harakhty, il dio funerario menfita Sokar-Osiride e Anubi. Osiride è adorato alla fine del testo.
Grafstèles uit hout die opgesteld werden in de cultuskamer van het graf zijn kenmerkend voor de Late Periode. Typisch voor deze tijd is ook dat niet de verering van Osiris maar wel, zoals hier, die van de zonnegod is afgebeeld. Bovenaan zweeft de gevleugelde zonneschijf onder het teken van de hemel. Daaronder bevindt zich in een nauw omkaderde ruimte een offertafel met links de zonnegod Re, gevolgd door Atoem, en rechts de dame Mer-hathor-ites. Daaronder bevindt zich in zes lijnen een offergebed aan de zonnegod Horachte, de Memphitische dodengod Sokar-Osiris en Anoebis. Tenslotte wordt Osiris aangeroepen.
Wooden tomb stelae placed in the offering chamber of the tomb are a characteristic feature of the Late Period. Another typical element of this period is that the veneration of the deity depicted on these stelae, as also on the present example, is not that of the mortuary god Osiris but of the sun god. In the top of the stela the winged sun disk stands over the hieroglyph for heaven. Beneath it is a tightly framed scene with an offering table and the sun god Re and Atum on the left and to the right the lady Mer-hathor-ites. The prayer for offerings is written in six lines underneath. It is directed to the sun god in his name of Harakhty, to the Memphite mortuary god Sokar-Osiris, and to Anubis. Osiris is invoked at the end.
Les stèles en bois, érigées dans les chambres funéraires des tombes, sont caractéristiques de la Basse Époque. Le fait que ce soit le dieu solaire qui est adoré et non Osiris est également typique de cette époque. Dans le cintre se trouve le disque ailé au-dessus du signe du ciel. La scène représente la dame Mer-hathor-ites (à droite) devant le dieu solaire Rê accompagné d'Atoum (à gauche). Le reste de la stèle est occupé par une prière d'offrande à Horakhty, au dieu funéraire memphite Sokar-Osiris et à Anubis. Osiris est adoré à la fin du texte.
Grabstelen aus Holz, im Kultraum des Grabes aufgestellt, sind charakteristisch für die Spätzeit. Typisch für diese Periode ist auch, daß nicht die Verehrung des Totengottes Osiris, sondern - wie hier - die des Sonnengottes dargestellt ist. Im Giebelrund spannt sich die Flügelsonne über die Himmelshieroglyphe . Darunter steht in einem eng abgegrenzten Feld ein Tisch mit Opfergaben, links davon der Sonnengott Re, hinter ihm Atum; rechts die Dame Mer-Hathor-ites. Das darunter in sechs Zeilen geschriebene Opfergebet richtet sich an den Sonnengott unter dem Namen Harachte, den memphitischen Totengott Sokar-Osiris und an Anubis. Am Schluß wird Osiris angerufen.
Estelas de madeira colocadas na câmara das oferendas são características da Época Baixa. Outro elemento típico é a divindade representada nestas estelas, tal como neste exemplo, o deus solar e não o deus funerário Osíris. No topo da estela, o deus solar alado encontra-se sobre o hieróglifo para "céu". Por baixo está uma cena com uma mesa de oferendas e o deus solar Ré e Atum à esquerda; à direita a dama Merhathorites. Em baixo, a prece das oferendas está escrita em seis linhas. Está dirigida ao deus solar na sua forma de Horakhti, e ao deus funerário menfita Sokar-Osíris, e a Anúbis. Osíris é invocado no fim.
Las estelas de madera, erigidas en las cámaras funerarias de las tumbas, son características de la Baja Época. El hecho de que sea el dios solar y no Osiris quien es adorado también es típico de esta época. En el luneto se encuentra el disco alado encima del signo del cielo. La escena representa a la dama Mer-Hathor-ites (a la derecha) frente al dios solar Re acompañado de Atum (a la izquierda). El resto de la estela está ocupada por una oración de ofrenda a Harajty, el dios funerario menfita, Sokar-Osiris y Anubis. Osiris es adorado al final del texto.
Wooden tomb stelae placed in the offering chamber of the tomb are a characteristic feature of the Late Period. Another typical element of this period is that the veneration of the deity depicted on these stelae, as also on the present example, is not that of the mortuary god Osiris but of the sun god. In the top of the stela the winged sun disk stands over the hieroglyph for heaven. Beneath it is a tightly framed scene with an offering table and the sun god Re and Atum on the left and to the right the lady Mer-hathor-ites. The prayer for offerings is written in six lines underneath. It is directed to the sun god in his name of Harakhty, to the Memphite mortuary god Sokar-Osiris, and to Anubis. Osiris is invoked at the end.
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Conservazione del testo
bH:d:O49*t O29v*nTr nb:p*t:pt N3 i O29v*nTr\ nb:t*p:pt bH\:d\:t*O49 ! r:a N6*Z1 A40 ! t:tm m*nTr ! D4 Q1 R8 O10 t*H8:t f:t*H8 G5*Z1 (p:f)*nTr A1 mAa:P8h ! ms s nb:pr O10 t*H8:n s anx x:n ! sw di Htp:t*p N G5 N6:N17:N17 O29v*nTr A40 nb:t*p:pt N3 Sw pr:r:D54 G9 Axt:pr z:k:r ir:st*nTr aA\r3 ! nb:S:N16A N30:t*pr i n:p C6 tp:1 Dw:W:f Z11 w w Aa2:t nb:N16A D33 1 r di s Z2:n ! O3 F1:Z2 t*H1:Z2 i r:p*W22 i r:(t:1)*W22 nTr sn T:r:N33A mr H W2 mn:n:sS*x Htp:t*p:Z2 D:f:Z2 x:t ! Y1:nb nfr f:r wab n:n:n:n anx nTr i Aa13:z G9 kA N ir:st*nTr mr O10 t:f:z B1 Sw P8 ! t:H8 N Hr:r A40 p:f nTr A1 Sw P8 ms s nb:pr*1 O10 r:z anx x:n B1 Sw P8 x:r ! ir:st*nTr xnt t:t imnt t:t:xAst nTr aA\r3 nb:Ab*b xAst:O49*1 wn:n nfr f:r S38 q:n D:t:n nb:H*1*H !
bHdt(j) nTr aA nb pt sAb Swt ra tm wsjr mr-HtHr-jt.s sAt Hr-p(Aj).f-nTr mAa xrw ms nbt-pr HtHr-sanx Htp rdjw nswt n Hr-Axtj nTr aA nb pt sAb Swt prj m Axt skr-wsjr nTr aA nb StAt jnpw tpj Dw.f jmj-wt nb tA-Dsr rdj.sn prt-xrw t Hnqt kAw Apdw jrp jrTt snTr mrHt mnxt Htpwt DfAw xt nb(t) nfr(t) wab(t) anx(t) nTr jm.s m kA n wsjr mr-HtHr-jt.s maA xrw sAt n Hr-p(Aj).f-nTr mAa xrw ms nb(t)-pr HtHr-sanx mAa(t) xrww wsjr xntj-jmntt nTr aA nb AbDw wn-nfr HqA Dt nb HH
Behdeti, il grande dio, signore del cielo, dal piumaggio variegato. <BR>Una offerta che il re fa a Harakhty, il grande dio, signore del cielo, dal piumaggio variegato, che appare come Ra-Harakhty-Sokar-Osiride, il grande (dio), signore del santuario shetyt, Anubi, che è sulla sua montagna, imiut, signore di Ta-djeser, affinchè essi diano un'offerta funeraria di pane, birra, carne, volatili, vino, latte, incenso, olio, lino, alimenti e provviste (al) Ka dell'Osiride Mer-hathor-ites, giusta di voce, figlia di Hor-pef-netjer, giusto di voce, presso Osiride-Khentamenti, il grande dio, signore di Abydos, Unnefer, signore d'eternità, signore di perpetuità.
Behdeti, de grote god, heer van de hemel, de bontgevederde.<BR>Een offer dat de koning schenkt aan Horachte, de grote god, de heer van de hemel, de bontgevederde, die verschijnt als Re-Horachte-Sokar-Osiris, de grote (god) heer van het sjetit-heiligdom, en Anoebis die op zijn berg is, Imioet, heer van Ta-djeser, zodat ze geven een dodenoffer van brood, bier, vlees, gevogelte, wijn, melk, wierook, zalfolie, linnen, spijzen en offergaven, alle goede en reine dingen waarvan een god leeft, (voor) de Ka van de Osiris Mer-hathor-ites, gerechtvaardigd, dochter van Hor-pef-netjer, gerechtvaardigd, geboren uit de dame van het huis Hathor-res-anch, gerechtvaardigd, bij Osiris-chontamenti, de grote god, heer van Abydos, Wennefer, heer van eeuwigheid, heer van oneindigheid.
Behdeti, the great god, the lord of heaven, many-coloured of plumage.<BR>An offering which the king gives to Harakhty, the great god, the lord of heaven, many-coloured of plumage, who appears as Re-Harakhti-Sokar-Osiris, the great (god), Lord of the Shetit shrine, and Anubis who is upon his mountain, Imiut, Lord of Ta-djeser, so that they may give a funerary offering of bread and beer, bulls and geese, wine, milk, incense, ointment, linen, food and offerings, all good and pure things on which a god lives, (to) the Ka of the Osiris Mer-hathor-ites true of voice, daughter of Hor-pef-netjer true of voice, born of the mistress of the house, Hathor-es-ankh, true of voice, with Osiris-Khontamenti, the great god, Lord of Abydos, Wenen-nofer, ruler of eternity, lord of everlastingness.
Behdeti, le grand dieu, seigneur du ciel, au plumage bigarré.<BR>Une offrande que donne le roi à Horakhty, le grand dieu, seigneur du ciel, au plumage bigarré, qui apparaît comme Rê-Horakhty-Sokar-Osiris, le grand (dieu), seigneur du sanctuaire-shetyt, Anubis, qui est sur sa montagne, imiout, seigneur de Ta-djeser, pour qu'ils donnent une offrande funéraire de pain, bière, viande, volaille, vin, lait, encens, huile, lin, aliments et provisions (au) Ka de l'Osiris Mer-hathor-ites, justifiée, fille de Hor-pef-netjer, justifié, auprès d'Osiris-Khentamenti, le grand dieu, seigneur d'Abydos, Ounnefer, seigneur d'éternité, seigneur de perpétuité.
Behdeti, der Große Gott, der Herr des Himmels, der Buntgefiederte. Das Opfer, das der König für Harachte gegeben hat, den Großen Gott, den Herrn des Himmels, den Buntgefiederten, der hervorkommt als Re-Harachte-Sokar-Osiris, der Große (Gott), Herr des Schetit-Heiligtums, und Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, Imiut, Herr von Ta-djeser, damit sie geben ein Totenopfer an Brot und Bier, Rindern und Gänsen, Wein, Milch, Weihrauch, Salböl, Leinwand, Speisen und Opfergaben, alle guten und reinen Dinge, von denen ein Gott lebt, (für) den Ka des Osiris Mer-Hathor-ites, Wahr an Stimme, Tochter des Hor-pef-netjer, Wahr an Stimme, geboren von der Hausherrin Hathor-es-anch, Wahr an Stimme, bei Osiris-Chentimentiu, dem Großen Gott, Herrn von Abydos, Wenennefer, Herrscher der Ewigkeit, Herr der Unendlichkeit.
Behdeti, o grande deus, senhor do céu, de plumagem colorida.<BR>Uma oferenda que o rei concede a Horakhti, o grande deus, o senhor do céu, o de plumagem colorida, que aparece como Ré-Horakhti-Sokar-Osíris, ele o grande (deus), senhor do santuário Chetit, e Anúbis o que está na sua montanha, Imiut, senhor de Ta-djeser, para que eles possam conceder oferendas funerárias de pão e cerveja, bois e gansos, vinho, leite, incenso, unguentos, linho, comida e oferendas, todas as coisas boas e puras nas quais o deus vive, (para) o Ka de Osíris Merhathorites justificado, filha de Horpefnetjer justificado, nascido da dona da casa, Hathoresankh justificada com Osíris-Khentamenti, o grande deus, senhor de Abidos, Uenennefer, soberano da eternidade, senhor da eternidade.
Behdeti, el gran dios, señor del cielo, de plumaje abigarrado.<BR>Una ofrenda que da el rey a Harajty, el gran dios, señor del cielo, de plumaje abigarrado, que se manifiesta como Re-Harajty-Sokar-Osiris, el gran (dios), señor del santuario-shetyt, Anubis, que está sobre la montaña, imiut, señor de Ta-Dyeser, para que den una ofrenda funeraria de pan, cerveza, carne, aves, vino, leche, incienso, aceite, lino, alimentos y provisiones (al) Ka del Osiris Mer-Hathor-ites, justa de voz, hija de Heo-pef-netcher, justo de voz, al lado de Osiris Jentiamenti, el gran dios, señor de Abydos, Unnefer, señor de eternidad, señor de perpetuidad.
Behdeti, the great god, the lord of heaven, many-coloured of plumage.<BR>An offering which the king gives to Harakhty, the great god, the lord of heaven, many-coloured of plumage, who appears as Re-Harakhti-Sokar-Osiris, the great (god), Lord of the Shetit shrine, and Anubis who is upon his mountain, Imiut, Lord of Ta-djeser, so that they may give a funerary offering of bread and beer, bulls and geese, wine, milk, incense, ointment, linen, food and offerings, all good and pure things on which a god lives, (to) the Ka of the Osiris Mer-hathor-ites true of voice, daughter of Hor-pef-netjer true of voice, born of the mistress of the house, Hathor-es-ankh, true of voice, with Osiris-Khontamenti, the great god, Lord of Abydos, Wenen-nofer, ruler of eternity, lord of everlastingness.
Anno di acquisizione
Storia dell'oggetto
vor 1870 erworben Bergmann-Zettel vorhanden. Schon früher im Besitz der Ägyptisch-orientalischen Sammlung, damals die Inv.-Nr. 896! 1956 bei einer Kunstauktion in Wien neuerlich erworben.
Oggetti associati
Riferimenti fotografici
Autore della scheda
Data della prima registrazione informatizzata
Data dell'ultimo aggiornamento
Satzinger, H., Das Kunsthistorische Museum in Wien. Die Ägyptisch-Orientalische Sammlung. Zaberns Bildbände zur Archäologie 14 und Antike Welt (Sonderheft), Mainz (1994) 43, Abb. 26. Munro, P., Die spätägyptischen Totenstelen, Glückstadt (1973), 51, 54-55, 136, 234, Abb.57. Ägypten. Die Welt der Pharaonen (ed. Schulz, Seidel). Köln (1997), 312.
Commento generale
Erhaltungszustand: Leichte Stuckabblätterung.