Basic Info
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International Inventory number
Inventory number
One of the stelae lost during 1941, the information comes from the original accession card. The stela is round topped, the lunette shows a single-winged disk, and is divided into two registers. In the upper register is Osiris seated before a table of offerings, the deceased and his wife are opposite and offer to him. Above this scene is an inscription in eight short columns. The lower register shows a man accompanied by two women and a child, all standing and receiving offerings from another woman and two children. The names are inscribed around the figures (see 'Hieroglyphs').
Een van de stèles die in 1941 verloren is gegaan. De informatie is afkomstig van de fiche die geschreven is bij aankomst van het stuk in het museum. De stèle heeft een ronde top en de lunet toont een gevleugelde zonneschijf en is verdeeld in twee registers. In het bovenste bevindt zich Osiris, gezeten voor een offertafel, met tegenover hem de overledene en zijn vrouw die aan hem offeren. Boven deze afbeeldingen staan acht korte kolommen tekst. Het onderste register toont een man met twee vrouwen en een kind, die offers in ontvangst nemen van een andere vrouw en twee kinderen. Rond de figuren staan hun namen (zie 'Hiërogliefen').
Stèle perdue en 1941. Les informations proviennent de la fiche d'entrée originale. La stèle, au sommet cintré, comporte un disque ailé. Elle est divisée en deux registres. Dans le registre supérieur, Osiris est assis devant une table d'offrandes. Le défunt et son épouse sont représentés de l'autre côté. Au-dessus de cette scène, figure une inscription répartie sur huit courtes colonnes. Le registre inférieur montre un homme accompagné de deux femmes et d'un enfant, tous debout et recevant des offrandes d'une femme et de deux enfants. Les noms sont inscrits autour des figures (voir 'Hiéroglyphes').
Eine jener Stelen, die 1941 verloren gingen; die angegebenen Informationen stammen von der ursprünglichen Registrierungskarte. Die in zwei Register eingeteilte Stele besitzt einen runden oberen Abschluß, in der Lunette ist eine geflügelte Sonnenscheibe zu sehen. Im oberen Register sitzt Osiris vor einem Opfertisch, ihm gegenüber opfern der Verstorbene und seine Frau. Über dieser Szene befindet sich eine Inschrift in acht kurzen Kolumnen. Das untere Register zeigt einen stehenden Mann mit zwei Frauen und einem Kind, die von einer weiteren Frau und zwei Kindern Opfer empfangen. Die Namen sind um die Figuren herum eingeritzt (siehe 'Hieroglyphen').
Una delle stele perdute nel 1941. Le informazioni sono ricavate dalla scheda originale di registrazione dell'oggetto. La stele ha una parte superiore arrotondata, la lunetta rappresenta un disco alato, ed è divisa in due registri. Il registro superiore raffigura Osiride seduto davanti ad un tavolo d'offerte. Il defunto e sua moglie sono dalla parte opposta ed offrono alla divinità. Sopra a questa scena vi è un'iscrizione disposta in otto brevi colonne. Il registro inferiore mostra un uomo accompagnato da due donne ed un bimbo, tutti stanti e rappresentati nell'atto di ricevere offerte da un'altra donna e da due bambini. I nomi sono iscritti attorno alle figure (cfr. 'Geroglifici').
Uma das estelas perdidas em 1941, informaçao fornecida na etiqueta original. A estela tem topo redondo, disco-solar alado na luneta, dividida em dois registos. No registo superior surge Osíris, sentado perante mesa de oferendas, o morto e sua esposa, colocados no lado oposto e oferecidos ao deus. Por cima desta representaçao encontram-se oito pequenas colunas com inscriçao. O registo inferior mostra figura masculina acompanhada por duas mulheres e criança, todos de pé e recebendo oferendas de outra mulher com duas crianças. Os nomes surgem inscritos em torno das figuras (ver 'Hieróglifos').
Una de las estelas perdidas en 1941; la información procede de la tarjeta de registro original. La estela tiene la parte superior redondeada; el luneto contiene un disco solar alado y está dividido en dos registros. En el registro superior aparece Osiris sentado delante de una mesa de ofrendas; frente a él se encuentran el difunto y su esposa que le hacen ofrendas. Por encima de esta escena hay una inscripción en ocho columnas cortas. El registro inferior muestra a un hombre acompañado por dos mujeres y un niño; todos están de pie y reciben ofrendas de otra mujer y dos niños. Los nombres están escritos alrededor de las figuras (ver «Jeroglíficos»).
One of the stelae lost during 1941, the information comes from the original accession card. The stela is round topped, the lunette shows a single-winged disk, and is divided into two registers. In the upper register is Osiris seated before a table of offerings, the deceased and his wife are opposite and offer to him. Above this scene is an inscription in eight short columns. The lower register shows a man accompanied by two women and a child, all standing and receiving offerings from another woman and two children. The names are inscribed around the figures (see 'Hieroglyphs').
Archaeological Site
Dating (free text)
Dating Criterion
Category of text
Text Content
Writing Technique
Preservation of Text
O29v R8 S38 I10:X1:N16 D4:Q1*A40 V30 U23 D58 N26 D4:N35 Y4 D58 Z4:M17*M17 A1 ! M23 X8 R4:X1*Q3 D4:Q2 W17 R14 ! G40 G1*X1 G43 /:Z2 D21:Z1 A1 ! V30:O1*Z1 S12:Z2 F35 D21:Z4A ! M17 N35 G38*Z1:I9 // ! N35:Aa1 D21:N35:I9 /:D4 ! D4:N35 Y4 O2 D58 Z4 M17 M17 A1 M17 X1:I9 G40 G1* X1 G43 N35:Z1*Z2:D21 A1 G14 I9 S12:N33A F35 // !
nTr aA HqA Dt Wsjr nb AbDw jr.n sS By Htp dj nsw Wsjr xnty Jmntyw PA-tA-ny-r nb(t) pr Nbw-Nfr jn sA=f [sa]nx rn=f ? ? Jr.n sS Pr-HD By jt=f PA-tA-ny-r mwt=f Nbw-Nfr
Osiris, Lord of Abydos, Great God, Ruler forever. Made for the scribe (?), By, an offering which the king gives to Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, ...?..., Mistress of the House, Nebu-neferwy. It is his son who caused his name to live ...(?). The scribe of the Treasury, By, his sister, the Mistress of the House ...(?). His son, Re-nefer. His mother, the Mistress of the House ...(?). His sister, Baay, and (her?) son, ... (?). His brother, Ptahmes. The Osiris, the scribe of the Treasury, By, and his father, Patanyer, and his mother Nebunefer.
Osiris, heer van Abydos, Grote God, heerser voor altijd. Gemaakt voor de schrijver (?) By, een offer dat de koning brengt aan Osiris, eerste der westerlingen, ...?..., meesteres des huizes Neboe-neferwie. Het is zijn zoon die heeft gezorgd dat zijn naam voortleeft ...(?). De schrijver van het schathuis By, zijn zuster, de meesteres van het huis ...(?). Zijn zoon Ren-nefer. Zijn moeder, de meesteres des huizes ...(?). Zijn zuster Baay en (haar?) zoon ...(?). Zijn broer Ptahmes. De Osiris, schrijver van het schathuis, By, en zijn vader Patanyer en zijn moeder Neboenefer.
Osiris, Seigneur d'Abydos, Grand Dieu, Souverain pour l'éternité. Fait pour le scribe (?) By, offrande que le roi fait à Osiris, Premier des Occidentaux, ... ? ... , Maîtresse de la Maison Nebou-neferouy. C'est son fils qui a fait vivre son nom ... (?). Le scribe du Trésor, By, sa soeur, la Maîtresse de la Maison ... (?). Son fils, Re-nefer. Sa mère, la Maîtresse de la Maison ... (?). Sa soeur, Baay, et (son?) fils, ... (?). Son frère, Ptahmes. L'Osiris, le scribe du Trésor, By, et son père, Patanyer, et sa mère, Nebounefer.
Osiris, Herr von Abydos, Großer Gott, Herrscher der Ewigkeit. Gemacht für den Schreiber (?) By. Ein Opfer, das der König gibt für Osiris, den Ersten der Westlichen, ...?... Hausherrin Nebu-neferui. Es ist sein Sohn, der seinen Namen belebt ...(?). Der Schatzhausschreiber By, seine Schwester, die Hausherrin ... (?). Sein Sohn, Re-nefer. Seine Mutter, die Hausherrin ...(?). Seine Schwester Baay und (ihr?) Sohn ... (?). Sein Bruder Ptahmose. Osiris Schatzhausschreiber By und sein Vater Patanyer und seine Mutter Nebu-nefer.
Osiride, Signore di Abydos, Gran Dio, Signore per sempre. Fatta per lo scriba (?), By, un'offerta che il sovrano porge ad Osiride, il Primo degli Occidentali, ...?...., Signora della Casa, Nebu-neferwy. E' suo figlio che fa vivere il suo <!-->nome......? Lo scriba del Tesoro, By, sua sorella, la Signora della Casa..... (?). Suo figlio, Re-nefer. Sua madre, la Signora della Casa....(?). Sua sorella, Baay, e (suo?) figlio, ...(?) Suo fratello, Ptahmes. L'osiride, lo scriba del Tesoro, By, e suo padre, Patanyer, e sua madre Nebunefer.
Osíris, Senhor de Abidos, Grande Deus, Governante eterno. Feito para o escriba (?), Por, uma oferenda que o rei doa a Osíris, o Primeiro dos Ocidentais, ...?..., Senhora da Casa, Nebu-neferwy. Foi seu filho quem proporcionou que o seu <!-->nome vivesse ...(?). O escriba do Tesouro, Pela, sua irma, a Senhora da Casa ...(?). Seu filho, Re-nefer. Sua mae, a Senhora da Casa ...(?). Sua irma, Baay, e (seu?) filho, ...(?). Seu irmao, Ptahmes. O Osíris, o escriba do Tesouro, Pelo, e seu pai, Patanyer, e sua mae Nebunefer.
Osiris, Señor de Abydos, Gran Dios, Gobernador Eterno. Hecha para el escriba (?), By, una ofrenda que el rey concede a Osiris, el Primero de los Occidentales, [...] ? [...], Señora de la Casa, Nebu-neferwy. Es su hijo el que hace que su nombre viva [...](?). El escriba del Tesoro, By, su hermana, la Señora de la Casa [...](?). Su hijo, Re-nefer. Su madre, la Señora de la Casa [...(?). Su hermana, Baay, y (su) hijo, [...](?). Su hermano, Ptahmes. El Osiris, el escriba del Tesoro, By, y su padre, Patanyer, y su madre Nebunefer.
Osiris, Lord of Abydos, Great God, Ruler forever. Made for the scribe (?), By, an offering which the king gives to Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, ...?..., Mistress of the House, Nebu-neferwy. It is his son who caused his name to live ...(?). The scribe of the Treasury, By, his sister, the Mistress of the House ...(?). His son, Re-nefer. His mother, the Mistress of the House ...(?). His sister, Baay, and (her?) son, ... (?). His brother, Ptahmes. The Osiris, the scribe of the Treasury, By, and his father, Patanyer, and his mother Nebunefer.
Year of Acquisition
Object''s History
From the private collection belonging to Joseph Mayer, which was given to the Museum in 1867.
Associated Objects
Photographic references
Editor of record
First Registration Date
Last Update
General Comment
Preservation: One of the stelae that was lost or destroyed in 1941. The technique is described as "poor" and the preservation as "fair".