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Il sarcofago finemente dipinto di Nakht-ankh, scoperto in una tomba rupestre a Beni Hasan. Il sarcofago è un buon esempio del tipo classico del Medio Regno, una semplice cassa rettangolare con un coperchio piatto. Era destinato a rappresentare la Casa dello Spirito del defunto; il pannello dipinto sulla testa con un motivo a quadri e la rappresentazione di due porte dà l'idea di un'abitazione del tempo.
De fraai beschilderde lijkkist van Nachtanch, ontdekt in een rotsgraf te Beni Hassan. De kist is een goed voorbeeld van het klassieke Middenrijks-type: een simpele rechthoekige kist met een plat deksel. Het stelde het huis van de ziel van de overledene voor. Het geschilderde paneel aan het hoofdeinde, met het geblokte patroon en afbeelding van dubbele deuren, geeft een idee van een woonhuis uit deze periode.
The finely painted coffin of Nakht-ankh, discovered in a rock-cut tomb at Beni Hasan. The coffin is a good example of the classic Middle Kingdom type, a simple rectangular box with a flat lid. It was intended to represent the House of the Spirit of the deceased, the painted panel at the head end with it's squared pattern and representation of double doors gives some idea of a dwelling house of the period.
Ce sarcophage en bois peint de Nakht-Ankh fut découvert dans une tombe rupestre de Beni Hassan. C'est un bel exemple du type classique du Moyen Empire: une simple boîte rectangulaire avec un couvercle plat. Il devait évoquer la maison de l'esprit du défunt. Le rectangle peint à la tête avec la décoration et la représentation d'une double porte nous donne une idée des maisons de l'époque.
Hübsch bemalter Sarg des Nacht-anch, gefunden in einem Felsengrab in Beni Hassan. Der Sarg ist ein schönes Beispiel für den klassischen Typ des Mittleren Reiches, ein einfacher rechteckiger Kasten mit einem flachen Deckel. Es war beabsichtigt, das Haus der Seele des Verstorbenen darzustellen; die bemalte Seitenwand am Kopfende mit ihrem quadratischen Muster und der Darstellung einer zweifachen Tür vermittelt einen Eindruck von einem Wohnhaus aus dieser Zeit.
Sarcófago minuciosamente pintado de Nakhtankh, descoberto num túmulo construído no rochedo em Beni Hassan. Este sarcófago é um bom exemplo do tipo clássico do Império Médio: uma caixa simples e rectangular com uma tampa lisa. Era destinado a representar a casa do Ka do defunto. O painel pintado da cabeceira, com o seu desenho quadriculado e representação de portas duplas, dá uma certa ideia duma residência da época.
Sarcófago pintado de Najt-anj, hallado en una tumba excavada en la roca en Beni Hasan. Este es un buen ejemplo del modelo clásico del Reino Medio: caja rectangular con tapa lisa. Pretendía representar la casa del espíritu del difunto. El motivo cuadriculado y la doble puerta, pintados en la cabecera del sarcófago, dan una idea de la casa tipo en aquellos tiempos.
The finely painted coffin of Nakht-ankh, discovered in a rock-cut tomb at Beni Hasan. The coffin is a good example of the classic Middle Kingdom type, a simple rectangular box with a flat lid. It was intended to represent the House of the Spirit of the deceased, the painted panel at the head end with it's squared pattern and representation of double doors gives some idea of a dwelling house of the period.
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Htp dj nsw [n] wsjr nb Ddw nTr aA nb AbDw dj-f prt-xrw t Hnqt kA.w Apd.w Ss mnHt snTr xt-nb.t nfr.t wabt anx.t nTr jm n kA n jmy-r Hwt-nTr Nxt-anx jmAx r Jmsty Nxt-anx jmAx r Sw jmy-r Hwt-nTr N//////// ///fn/////Nxt-anx jmAx r dwA-dj.t -f Nxt-anx jmAxy xr Nbt-Hwt jmAxy xr Nt Nxt-anx jmAxy xr psDt nt ////////////// Htp dj nsw [n] Jnpw tp Dw=f jmy-wt nb tA-Dsr qrs.t nfr m smt jmntt xpj=f m Htp sp sn m js=f n Xr(T)-nTr jmy-r Hwt-nTr Nxt-anx jmAxy xr Hpy Nxt-anx jmAxy xr Nwt jmy -r Hwt-nTr /////////// jmAxy xr Gb /////////// jmAxy xr QbH-snw-f ////// Nxt-anx jmAxy xr Ast Nxt-anx jmAxy xr srqt ////////// jmaxy xr ////////////////
Un dono che il re offre [a] Osiride, Signore di Busiris, Grande Dio, Signore di Abydos, perché dia al Ka del Sovrintendente del Tempio, Nakht-ankh, le offerte di pane, birra, buoi, pollame, alabastro, indumenti, incenso e ogni cosa buona e pura di cui vive il dio. Nakht-ankh, onorato da Amset, onorato da Shu, Sovrintendente del Tempio, Nakht-ankh. (onorato da) Tefnut, Nakht-ankh, onorato da Duamutef.<BR>Nakht-ankh è onorato da Nefti, Nakht-ankh è onorato da Neith, onorato dall'Enneade. [...]<BR>Un dono che il re offre [a] Anubi che è sulla sua montagna, che è nel luogo di imbalsamazione, Signor della Terra Sacra, offre, una buona sepoltura nel deserto occidentale, possa egli viaggiare in grazia dalla sua tomba nella necropoli, il Sovrintendente del Tempio, Nakht-ankh.<BR>Nakht-ankh è onorato da Hepi. ( Nakht-ankh) Sovrintendente del Tempio è onorato da Nut.<BR>Nakht-ankh è onorato da Geb. Nakht-ankh è onorato da Qebehsenuef.<BR>Nakht-ankh è onorato da Iside. [...] è onorato da Serket.
Een offer dat de koning geeft [aan] Osiris, heer van Boesiris, de grote god, heer van Abydos, opdat hij aanroepingsoffers geeft van brood, bier, rundvlees, gevogelte, albast, kleding, wierook, en ieder goed en rein ding waarvan de god leeft, voor de Ka van de opzichter van de tempel Nachtanch.<BR>Nachtanch, geëerd bij Amset, geëerd bij Sjoe, opzichter van de tempel Nachtanch (geëerd bij) Tefnoet, geëerd bij Doeamoetef.<BR>Nachtanch is geëerd bij Nephthys, Nachtanch is geëerd bij Neith, geëerd bij de Enneade [...]<BR>Een offer dat de koning geeft [aan] Anoebis geeft, die op zijn berg is, die in de plaats van het balsemen is, heer van het heilige land, een mooie begrafenis in de westelijke woestijn, moge hij in vrede reizen vanuit zijn graf in de necropolis, de opzichter van de tempel Nachtanch.<BR>Nachtanch is geëerd bij Hepi. (Nachtanch,) opzichter van de tempel is geëerd bij Noet.<BR>Nachtanch is geëerd bij Geb. Nachtanch is geëerd bij Kebehsenoef.<BR>Nachtanch is geëerd bij Isis. [...] is geëerd bij Selkis.<BR>
A boon which the king gives [to] Osiris, Lord of Busiris, Great God, Lord of Abydos, that he may give invocation offerings of bread, beer, oxen, fowl, alabaster, clothing, incense and every good and pure thing on which the god lives, to the Ka of the Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh.<BR>Nakht-ankh, honoured by Amset, honoured by Shu, Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh. (honoured by) Tefnut, Nakht-ankh, honoured by Duamutef.<BR><BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Nephthys, Nakht-ankh is honoured by Neith, honoured by the Ennead [...]<BR>A boon which the king gives [to] Anubis who is upon his mound, who is in the place of embalment, Lord of the Sacred land, gives, a good burial in the Western Desert, may he travel in grace from his tomb at the necropolis, the Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh.<BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Hepi. (Nakht-ankh) Overseer of the Temple is honoured by Nut.<BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Geb. Nakht-ankh is honoured by Qebehsenuf.<BR><BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Isis. [...] is honoured by Selkis.<BR>
Offrande que donne le roi [à] Osiris, seigneur de Bousiris, le grand dieu, seigneur d'Abydos, qu'il puisse donner une offrande funéraire de pain, bière, viande et volaille, albâtre, tissus, encens et toutes choses bonnes et pures dont vit un dieu, pour le Ka de l'inspecteur du temple Nakht-Ankh. <BR>Nakht-Ankh, honoré par Amset, honoré par Shou, l'inspecteur du temple Nakht-Ankh (honoré par) Tefnout, Nakht-Ankh, honoré par Douamoutef.<BR>Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Nephthys, Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Neith, honoré par l'ennéade [...]<BR>Offrande que donne le roi [à] Anubis, qui est sur sa montagne, qui est dans la place de l'embaumement, seigneur du pays saint, un bel enterrement dans le désert occidental, puisse-t-il voyager en paix en dehors de sa tombe de la nécropole, l'inspecteur du temple Nakht-Ankh.<BR>Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Hâpi. ( Nakht-Ankh) l'inspecteur du temple est honoré par Nout.<BR>Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Geb. Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Qebehsenouf.<BR>Nakht-Ankh est honoré par Isis. [...] est honoré par Selkis.
Ein Opfer, das der König gibt [dem] Osiris, dem Herrn von Busiris, dem Großen Gott, dem Herrn von Abydos, damit er ein Anrufungsopfer gebe an Brot, Bier, Rind, Geflügel, Alabaster, Kleidung, Weihrauch und jegliches gute und reine Ding, von dem der Gott lebt, für den Ka des Vorstehers des Tempels Nacht-anch.<BR>Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Amset, geehrt bei Schu, Vorsteher des Tempels Nacht-anch, (geehrt bei) Tefnut, Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Duamutef.<BR>Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Nephthys, Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Neith, geehrt bei der Götterneunheit [...]<BR>Ein Opfer, das der König gibt [dem] Anubis, der auf seinem Berg ist, der Balsamierer, der Herr des Heiligen Landes, (nämlich) ein schönes Begräbnis in der westlichen Wüste, möge er in Gnade herausgehen aus seinem Grab in der Nekropole, der Vorsteher des Tempels, Nacht-anch.<BR>Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Hepi, (Nacht-anch), der Vorsteher des Tempels, geehrt bei Nut.<BR><BR>Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Geb, Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Kebehsenuef.<BR>Nacht-anch, geehrt bei Isis,[...]geehrt bei Selqet.
Oferta que faz o rei [..] Osíris, senhor de Busíris, deus grande, senhor de Abidos, para que ele propicie invocações-oferendas em pão, cerveja, carne de bovino e de aves, alabastros, roupas, incenso, e todas as coisas boas e puras onde o deus vive, para o Ka do superintendente do templo, Nakhtankh.<BR>Nakthankh, venerado perante Imseti, venerado perante Chu, superintendente do templo, Nakhtankh. (Venerado perante) Tefnut, Nakhtankh, venerado perante Duamutef.<BR>Nakhtankh venerado perante Néftis, Nakhtankh venerado perante Neit, venerado perante a Enéade [...]<BR>Oferta que faz o rei [..] Anúbis que está sobre o seu montanha, senhor da Terra Sagrada, um bom túmulo no deserto ocidental, que ele possa viajar em graça do seu túmulo na necrópole, o superintendente do templo, Nakhtankh.<BR>Nakthankh venerado perante Hepi. (Nakhtankh,) superintendente do templo é venerado perante Nut. Nakhtankh venerado perante Geb. Nakhtankh venerado perante Kebehsenuef. <BR>Nakhtankh venerado perante Ísis. //////////// é venerado perante Serket. (A terceira divindade desapareceu da imagem.)
Una ofrenda que el rey concede (a) Osiris, señor de Busiris, gran dios, señor de Abydos, (para) que él otorgue una invocación de ofrendas, consistente en pan, cerveza, bueyes, aves, alabastro, ropa, incienso y todo lo bueno y puro de lo que vive un dios, para el Ka del supervisor del templo, Najt-anj.<BR>Najt-anj, honrado por Amset, honrado por Shu, supervisor del templo. Najt-anj, (honrado por) Amset, honrado por Tefnut. Najt-anj, honrado por Duamutef.<BR>Najt-anj es honrado por Nefthys. Najt-anj es honrado por Neith, honrado por la Eneada [...]<BR>Una ofrenda que el rey concede [Anubis], quien está sobre su colina, quien está en el lugar de embalsamación, señor de tierra santa, (para) que él conceda un buen enterramiento en el desierto occidental. Que Najt-anj, supervisor del templo, viaje en gracia hacia su tumba en la necrópolis.<BR>Najt-anj es honrado por Hepi. (Najt-anj,) supervisor del templo es honrado por Nut.<BR>Najt-anj es honrado por Gueb. Najt-anj es honrado por Quebehsenuf.<BR>Najt-anj es honrado por Isis. [...] es honrado por Selket.<BR>
A boon which the king gives [to] Osiris, Lord of Busiris, Great God, Lord of Abydos, that he may give invocation offerings of bread, beer, oxen, fowl, alabaster, clothing, incense and every good and pure thing on which the god lives, to the Ka of the Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh.<BR>Nakht-ankh, honoured by Amset, honoured by Shu, Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh. (honoured by) Tefnut, Nakht-ankh, honoured by Duamutef.<BR><BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Nephthys, Nakht-ankh is honoured by Neith, honoured by the Ennead [...]<BR>A boon which the king gives [to] Anubis who is upon his mound, who is in the place of embalment, Lord of the Sacred land, gives, a good burial in the Western Desert, may he travel in grace from his tomb at the necropolis, the Overseer of the Temple, Nakht-ankh.<BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Hepi. (Nakht-ankh) Overseer of the Temple is honoured by Nut.<BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Geb. Nakht-ankh is honoured by Qebehsenuf.<BR><BR>Nakht-ankh is honoured by Isis. [...] is honoured by Selkis.<BR>
Anno di acquisizione
Storia dell'oggetto
On permanent loan from the University of Liverpool.
Oggetti associati
Riferimenti fotografici
Autore della scheda
Data della prima registrazione informatizzata
Data dell'ultimo aggiornamento
Piotr Bienkowski and Angela Tooley., Gifts of The Nile: Ancient Egyptian Arts and Crafts in Liverpool Museum., 1995., 71; pl.109.
Commento generale
Text comment: In the vertical line of text on the left-hand side of the coffin some words are missing and the god Duamutef's name is mis-spelled as dua-djt-ef. The lid of the coffin has two lines of text running from head to foot, although both are incomplete enough remains to enable a rough translation. In the upper line Nut has caused the deceased to exist ( as a god ), while in the lower line Anubis will have been asked to ferry the deceased across the sky and mount up to the Lord of Heaven. Disposition: Each side of the coffin has a horizontal line of inscription along the upper edge and four vertical columns dividing the side into three square panels. Iconography: The panel of the coffin nearest to the head on the left-hand side has a double wedjet eye painted on it, this was to enable the deceased to see out. The body was placed on it's left side, facing east and to the area of the tomb where the offerings were made. The doors painted on the head end allowed the spirit to exit the coffin and partake of the offerings left for it.