Globular jar, with high base and a high and narrow cylindrical neck. On both sides, where the neck and body join together, there are two vertical band handles. Its surface has a burgundy decoration, with geometric (chequered) and vegetable (volutes, floral) designs covering the body. The vase has a late chronology, dated to the group X, found by the Spanish archaeological mission in Nubia.
ALMAGRO BASCH, M; ALMAGRO GORBEA, M.J; PEREZ - DIE, Mª C., Arte Faraónico. Exposición, 1975, P. 283 Fig. 210.
PRESEDO VELO, F. J; BLANCO CARO, R; PELLICER CATALAN, M., La Necrópolis de Mirmad (Argín Sur- Nubia Sudanesa), Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en Nubia, XI, 1970, Pp. 49 y 99 Fig. 115 Lám. III.
PEREZ-DIE, C. Nubia. Los reinos del Nilo en Sudán.Catalogo de Exposición. Barcelona-Madrid, 2003, nº 198