


The word 'queen' in modern terms conjures up associations with certain roles and functions which do not necessarily apply to ancient Egypt. These were often shared by several women at once. A great deal is still unknown, mainly because Egyptian sources place heavy emphasis on the king and his deeds, with little light being shed on the role of the queen. In Egypt, various 'types' of women sometimes played a role that is comparable with what the word 'queen' means to us. The most important, who also comes the closest to her modern counterpart in many aspects, is the Great King's Wife, the most important wife of the king and usually the mother of the next king. The Great King's Wife came immediately after the king in the political and religious hierarchy, and was often depicted next to him on monuments and statues, although usually on a smaller scale. She was only rarely depicted on her own. In addition to the Great King's Wife, there were also 'ordinary' king's wives, wives of pharaoh. They also included the daughters of foreign rulers, certainly from the New Kingdom on. They were often sent to Egypt as part of the diplomatic contacts. The king's wives usually lived in the royal harem. Besides these 'queens', the 'king's mother' sometimes also played an important role, not unlike that of a modern queen. She, too, was occasionally represented next to the king.